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2018 World GreenMech Contest - Green Energy and Motor Usage Notes


2018 World GreenMech Contest - Green Energy and Motor Usage Notes:


Scientific Concept and Green Energy Doubt
In Regulation P.23:

The scoring of scientific concepts is determined by the effectiveness of the building blocks or objects assembled. If the product is a commercial product or a finished product, the scientific concept score will not be available after reviewing the utility of non-self-assembling designs.


The use of the motor:

1. Motor - After the power is applied, the motor is operated (electrical magnetism), and the magnetic effect produced by the electric energy is converted into kinetic energy.
If you use a self-made motor (not a finished product), you can earn electricity and magnetism scores.

2. Generator - An external force is applied to make the motor operate (magnetism), and the kinetic energy produces electromagnetic induction to convert it into electricity.
If you use a self-made generator (composed of blocks or other objects with motors), you can earn the fraction of magnetic energy score.


The World GreenMech contest expects students to demonstrate creativity and self-creation skills. The score of the scientific concept is earned by self-assembly and design.  However, if it is clearly a commercially finished product or semi-finished product, it will be judged that it will not be able to earn score. Please kept informed.